March 18, 2002

Self Criticism

I watched the Snow White disney special thing and it was totally bogus aside from the fact that Warwick Davis, from Willow, was one of the seven dwarves. Aside from that, it was pathetic. I'm so with Psianina on this one.

I've been watching too much English folklorey stuff lately. The Snow White movie, in addition to The Mists of Avalon that I watched after it, and then today when my family and I were watching something about all the ruins in England. Including the stone circle in Avebury.

I just can't help but think of all the stories I've started to write and never finished...

The more I consider it, the more I am thinking that while Marian may not be a hopeless cause, it may be an unworthy one. I know Kels would kill me for saying this, but seeing as she is in London, she can't do anything about it. I have feared for some time that Marian is childish, and I think perhaps the rejections I have recieved may reflect that.

On a brighter note, I saw a commercial for Depends today and cracked up. I do not mock the geriatric community for their incontinence, I am merely amused to no end by the advertising of America. We gasp at sex but absolutely have no problem with asses. Hell, asses are great. Especially when they're leaky.

I know. That was totally uncalled for.

astera at 9:21 p.m.

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