March 19, 2002

The Yellow Brick Toad

Divine night, for no traditional reason. Maybe it was the kick I got out of ringing up under the name 'Jilgian' for a half hour. Maybe it was the fact that at the end of the night, despite my assumed ineptitude at the register, I had a perfect drawer. Maybe it was the salad.

At any rate, I am listening to Lorenna Mckennet and feeling lovely. My beautiful characters are dancing about in my head, their stiff figures giving no hint of their affection, their futures, their pasts...

But then you haven't read that so you wouldn't have the slightest clue what I am speaking of. Maybe one day you will.

My parents are leaving town until Friday, so I'll be skipping work and getting wasted and having frivolous sex for three days. Excuse me if I neglect you.

Yeah. Right. This is me we're talking about. I'm excited because I get to watch what I want to watch on television and make my own dinner.

When did I become a forty-year-old woman? Maybe I was born one.

It's strange. I seem very young, and behave very much so, but not in society's eyes. I don't drink or have sex or do drugs or buy brand name clothing. Not to say I'm some fantastic super youth, because I know a considerable amount of people who behave this same way. Everyone else just likes to pretend we don't exist in order not to throw off their perfectly organized list of stereotypes.

Damn the man. Save the Empire.

Speaking of that wonderful film, did everyone see that I am Lucas? Well, then, you obviously didn't look. So go do it, bitch. Or bitches, if you prefer. I don't want to leave anyone out.

Tra-la-la. Excuse me whilst I see about feeding my gargantuan self.

astera at 10:16 p.m.

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