March 21, 2002

Ice Queen

Gorged on a diet of Beat the Geeks, Star Trek: The next Generation, and bad music videos, not to mention watching Kids in the Hall at work, I must say my favorite thing about my parents being gone is the television.

There was a Star Wars geek on this morning! Needless to say, she whooped non-geek ass.

My dream of dreams is to be on that show. I want to win a fucking electric guitar for knowing who Bob Saget is and knowing that 'Freebird' is by Lynrd Skynrd. Someone actually didn't know that. All three contestants didn't know. That's fucking sad.

I am not a rock snob. I promise.

Dude. I saw the new Godsmack video this morning. Everytime I hear them I can't help but think of Mallory, and she and I giggling in her bedroom at one o'clock in the morning about Twisted Sister and Kiss. Godsmack, whether they like it or not, is warranted the same death-metal voice. I don't know how to explain it, you just have to snarl when you say the name of the band.

The video was from The Scorpion King, which I will probably see with indifference or against my will. Sully has a sword that is nearly bigger than him. Not that to be bigger than Sully is difficult.

I am not holding his short stature against him. Merely his hardcore-tatooed-bad-ass attitude when he is a mere five four. He is a quarter of a fucking inch taller than me. Now that is comedy.

Work today. I am promising myself beforehand, and will continue to do so throughout the night, that I will not encourage the attentions of a certain line server named Will. I found out yesterday that he likes me, as informed by a cute little old lady line server. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Intriguing as he may be, I would rather have a hopeless love venture right now than one that might bear fruit.

And who knows what kind of weird-ass-spotted-ribbed fruit a relationship with him might be.

Did I mention he seems a moron?

Albeit a strangely cute one.

But never mind that.

I am an Ice Queen. An Ice Queen.

Excuse me while I melt.

astera at almost

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