March 30, 2002

Cassy's Goth Dress

Well, my computer's three, four week hiatus has officially ended. That's right. My ass is in its favorite familiar desk chair, my fingers upon the lovely clicky keys of my keyboard.

In other words, my dad bought me the two fans at the flea market today.

At any rate, did you know that today is January 26, 1998? Well, it is. It's also 8:44 p.m. According to said computer.

Why this date as opposed to all others?

This news is only one of the three good things about today. On to the second.

I had a beautiful-weird dream last night. I was watching a movie in the dream, and it was me in the movie. And in the movie the most gorgeous-wonderful thing happened. I fell in love. For real-true-lovely-reciprocated-love. He had rainbow hair and a solemn face, and he brought me flowers and swept me up in his arms and kissed me. And I remember feeling like I wanted to cry in the dream, knowing that this was me in the movie but not me in life. I felt the same way when I woke up.

But at least I had something fantastic and real (?) in my dreams if not in life.

I want to fall in love.

The third thing is not the best of all. The dream is actually best of all, but likely only to me. To the rest of the world, the third thing is probably the one with the most weight.

I wrote a new song, and it's complicated and pretty and I think I may enter it in the song writing contest Kelsi and I are going to participate in. I don't know, I wish there was some way I could put some of my music up here for you guys to hear. But I can't think of anywhere to host the file. Alas, you shall not get to hear it. Unless I win, which is doubtful. But I am going to put the lyrics up on my poetry page, so you can check up and at least read those.

Like you care.

I don't want to go to work. I want to dream about the lovely rainbow haired boy again.

Guess I'll have to wait until about seven-thirty tomorrow morning for that one.

Somebody smack me 'cause I'm retarded.

astera at 6:44 p.m.

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