April 16, 2002

Duckie, The Mall, and Random Pyschoticness

Hoorah for Duckie!

I just read on a Pretty in Pink fan site that they actually did film the movie with the book ending. So Duckie really did end up with Andie. Apparently the stupid preview audiences would rather have seen her end up with Blane, hence the ending we have all seen.

Bastard richie.

I watched Emma again today. And cried. Again. Mr. Knightly just has those eyes, and that soft, desperate smile...

I swear I get worse as I get older.

My mom says that there will be no Prince Charming charging in on his white horse. I don't recall requesting a horse in the arrangement. I'd be fine with a primer coated car of undefined age.

I went to the mall today, and remembered why I hate the mall.

a) everything is so damn expensive

2) suddenly everything I am wearing, or own, for that matter, seems gross and hideous

c) other girls suck

I think I am going to live in Wet Seal because I can't afford to buy anything and subsequently remove it from the store. I just love how hippie-gypsy-ish the latest fashions are. Surprising that I like something you can buy brand new, eh?

And already the girls are out in their inch-length khaki shorts and matching flip flops, legs perfectly tanned and shaved. And there is me, pale, in tattered jeans and a long sleeve shirt emblazoned with a kissing scene from the sixties version of Romeo and Juliet. My hair is hanging in straggles to my shoulders, around my neck an assortment of chokers are jingling. I am carrying an oversized plaid purse, complete with a button promoting racial harmony.

What the hell do I look like to the rest of the world?

On a brighter note I bought a Gandalf bookmark. And I'm downloading Orgy's 'Blue Monday.'

Gotta love me some Jay.

astera at 10:39 p.m.

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