May 9, 2002

Robin and Obi Battle to the Death

Do you know what I am curious about?

How do the Jedi Knight's have so much control that they never accidently whack their own arm or something with their light saber? It's not like a sword, where just sitting idly with it you'd accidently slit your leg in half. With the sword, you'd have to apply pressure. With the light saber, you just swing.

See, the Jedi council keeps this shit under wraps. They don't want you to know about the limbless Jedi Knights fumbling around in the basement.

Managed to suffer through an evening of work. Flirted with A.j. Watched a bit of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace on my break. Laughed with Supervisor Nick about Empire Records, images of Lucas escaping with the couch cushion dancing about in our heads.

It's kind of of cool when Dean, our lead, isn't there. Usually she starts our breaks, chooses the order, makes sure everyone takes theirs. I did that tonight, and it was fun. I like being in charge, for some strange reason. If it were up to me, really, I'd want to have three or four of me seating every person that came in, that way I could make sure we got an even rotation. It irks me to no end when the other hostesses don't mark on the paper where they've seated, or follow right after me with a party. I make the same mistakes sometimes, but it never seems to bother me too much when I do it...

Excuse me while I snicker.

I want to take pictures with my new camera but have no subjects other than myself and my toys. The New Camera has a zoom lens and a remote and slow shutter speed. It also has the ability to take portraits into a glare during the day and take pictures at night without sacrificing the background. I know, I know. It's almost too much to bear. It was on sale at Kroger's, of all places, at more than half off of its original cost.

You know, I complain about not being able to pay for school, and worry about it constantly, and yet cannot pass up buying something pretty or useful.

It's not like that sixty dollars would've done me much good in the way of a 13,000 dollar tution.

Anybody have a winning lottery ticket they'd like to loan me for safe keeping?

I just don't know what to do. If I don't get any more money from Miami through my appeal for funds, then I will either have to find a cosigner or get a loan through my bank.

This should not be as hard as it is.

Someone, anyone, in my family, should care. But they don't. Not a one of them.

Let's not be melancholy again. I hope to have good dreams tonight.

The same to you, my dears.

astera at 11:46 p.m.

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