May 20, 2002

Darcy, Anakin, and Chris

Ask me if I liked Star Wars: Episode Two. Just fucking ask me.

It rocked so hard. If it were sex, the headboard would've gone through the wall.

I so just thought of that and had to say it. Excuse me, virginal ears.

Who am I to talk?

Yoda does not fuck around. Anakin does not fuck around. Amidala does not fuck around. Obi-Wan does not fuck around. Mace Windu does not fuck around. There is absolutely no fucking around in this movie.

But I will speak of it no more, because I don't want to ruin it for those who have yet to see it.

I'm going to see it tomorrow. O, yes, I am going to see it tomorrow...

I felt like Elizabeth Bennet today, aside from the Star Wars adventuring. I went for a walk, if involuntarily, and while I was about I picked the wildflowers that grow along the sides of my street. They are currently in a ceramic mug on the desk in front of me, and looking quite lovely.

No Mr. Darcy came along and offered me a ride, unfortunately. Probably off somewhere fending off a pushy Miss Bingley.

I visited with Mrs. Hennessey today, and while she did not consent to sign the loan, she also did not deny. She advised me to pay a visit to Miami and speak with one of the financial aid couselors, and lay it all out on the table as I did for her. If I explain my situation, chances are they will do something for me. I will have faith in that for now.

Either way, I feel better. And that is certainly a new development.

One of the busboys at work has me a little more than hot and bothered. He shaves his head, so he has just the sparsest covering of coal black hair, heavy lidded eyes, several tatooes visible on his arms and God only knows how many invisible. He's tall and lanky, and never walks anywhere without giving the appearance of skulking. He makes pushing a bus cart look sexy, and that takes a lot of fucking work, believe you me.

If I had no morals whatsoever, and no inhibitions, and I was really really drunk, I would totally maul him in the middle of the rotunda at the buffet. I can hardly keep from grabbing him now, sober. Then again, if I had no morals, and no inhibitions, it really wouldn't be me. Which would mean I really wouldn't be having my way with him. Which would be no fun at all.

Bring on the liquor!

So I flirted with him yesterday. Not that it makes much difference, or that I could not discern if his responses were in kind, because he is absolutely not the type of guy to ever cast his eyes on a girl like me.

I'd just be taking advantage of him for the sex, anyway.

Excuse me while I wickedly laugh.

astera at 11:08 p.m.

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