May 22, 2002

Darth Vader's Strip Tease

I just deposited Episodes One, Four, Five, and Six on my video shelf. I was delighted to discover upon my returning home with the purchase of the trilogy that the covers have all been made similarly. So, in a few years when both Episodes Two and Three are in my possession, I will be able to line them up next to each other and enjoy hours of easy amusement.

I am a geek. I love it.

Must return to work tomorrow. Do not look forward to it, unless perhaps there will be a momentary sighting of Chris and that will likely be exactly as described: momentary.

Ian just came online and his exact words were somewhere in the neighborhood of him having to go to bed, but just wanting to tell me again that he really had fun last night. I answered agreeable, my heart fluttering about in my chest. Could he like me?

No way.

At any rate, we will probably go for coffee this weekend. I have to work, obviously, every night. I'm just not sure what yesterday was? Was that a date? Was it a friendly outing? Was it a friendly outing on the verge of a date?

I am so confused.

Ian is so smart, and cute if in a very traditional sweater-vest sort of way. I'm not sure how I feel about him. I'm not attracted to him, I don't think. I don't know.

I'm so confused.

How can I not like a guy whose eyes light up when I mention Snatch or Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Who is as thrilled as I am to peruse Barnes and Noble, and spouts trivia about Tudor England? Who watched Pride and Prejudice to appease his mother and then ended up actually liking it?

I'm so confused.

I'm going to go watch The Empire Strikes Back now and hope that Han Solo and Luke Skywalker transport me to that wonderful, numb place of Science Fiction oblivion.

astera at 10:49 p.m.

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