June 5, 2002

Harry and Ernest

I viewed approximately 124 pictures of Rivers Cuomo last night. Thankyou, Thankyou.

Ian and I went to see The Importance of Being Earnest last night, and it was wickedly funny. As was he. He kept launching into this horribly haughty british accent, as we were on the east side of town and more than obviously west siders. After the movie (which I could not and cannot stop raving about, see it if it is your last act of life) we got ice cream and sat in this courtyard and talked. It was a lovely evening all around, and I'm not sure how I feel about things. I thought he would kiss me, wasn't sure if I wanted him to, wasn't entirely sure I didn't want him to, but in the end it didn't happen. Sometimes I feel painfully awkward with him, because he is so intelligent, and I'm not always as well spoken as I'd like to be. I suppose I'm not used to doing my fair share of the talking, seeing as I generally just observe conversation.

At any rate, Ian is the coolest. I'm rather frustrated on the whole, however. I'm not used to not being able to dicern my own feelings. I'm supposed to know me better than anybody else.

I was also feeling rather scrumptious last evening due to the fact that these two fellows seemed to really like the .wav file I sent them of me playing one of my songs. I was dancing about with joy, that's for sure.

My brother is watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the second time. I am enjoying quite thoroughy telling him all sorts of book information that the movie left out. I think I need to read the books again. I will never grow tired of dear Harry. Or Ron. I love Ron.

I am scouring my mind and the internet for inspiration for a new layout, because I'm a fickle bitch and while I love this layout, I think I could use a little colour. You'll still get to see this one, however, on dear Abby's page as I am giving it to her.

I hope she's patient. I'm a nightmare when it comes to perfecting a layout.

astera at 10:22 a.m.

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