June 7, 2002

Wonderful Night

I have done it, and in record time. I have entirely changed over a layout in one night, within the span of about three hours in place of the usual five. While I am not entirely content with anything except for the main page, I will be soon happy with the whole of it. Tomorrow I will have the aid of legitimate html magicians, as opposed to my own rather poor mastery of it. Until then, however, we can still drool over the gorgeous and quirky Rivers Cuomo! I know that I shall. I can hardly tear my eyes away.

Not only did I manage to get my layout entirely done, I also did it while having a chat with Ian online. I ran into him tonight at my brother's graduation, but didn't get to talk to him. It turns out we were both trying to find eachother at the end of the ceremony, but, alas, neither of us succeeded. I was surprised that he was looking about for me, and oddly delighted.

So I was pouting in the car when we left before I could find him.

So I was near-to-giddiness when he signed online.

So I was screwing up my features in something quite like a smile when we were chatting about him being a norse conquerer and the hillbillies at the ceremony.

Do I like him?

I think I do.


That was an infix, and the only one to belong to the English language. I'll bet you didn't know that.

So. Speaking of hillbillies. The fucking ceremony was a hillbilly festival. Even though the principal expressed before the certification of the graduates that there should be no clapping or shouting after their names, only to be done when the entire class had recieved their diplomas, these stupid Cleves bastards did it anyway. I was steaming. This didn't happen at my ceremony last year. Why, why do I have to be from Cleves? Why, why does everyone who lives here have to be an illiterate that shouts 'woot' after the names of the students who will be entering the workforce?

I swear those kids are fools. They don't know what they're in for.

I mean, who wouldn't want to be forty thousand dollars in debt to read books and take tests? Don't tell me that's not appealing.

I'm serious, though. I would never in a million years want to enter the work force. A year of it has come close to killing me, my only salvation being that I will soon be able to exit from it. We have all of our lives to work. At least go to school so it can be at something you remotely enjoy.

I have been supremely happy for two days in a row. The photograph adventure at Kelsi's house was enough happiness for a week. It finally felt like summer when I was there, with the choruses of Cassy's laughter echoing against the walls and the familiar giddiness in my bones at the prospect of goofing around for hours. I took pictures for the tarot cards, and pictures of the balloon hallway. I am immensely fond of both sets, and hope to have the balloon ones up soon on some random server.

I am not going to worry about college funds tonight. Not tonight.

It is a wonderful night, with the prospect of so many wonderful nights ahead of it.

astera at 12:53 a.m.

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