July 1, 2002

The Right Kind of Girl

Tom Waits is so fucking awesome. Flipping idly through the channels on television last night, as I am more wont to do this than to actually watch a show, I came across an old episode of Austin City Limits. I watched the whole thing. There was this dynamic performer in a fedora with the most hoarse, bluesy voice. He was so cool. I kept hoping that at the very end they'd say who it was. And they did. And it was Tom Waits.

Who is now officially one of my favorite musicians. I got on the computer almost immediately afterward and began to download 'Chocolate Jesus.' Wicked. Currently waiting on 'Swordfish Trombone.'

Well, I re-registered for classes today. I really wanted to take an advanced English course, merely because I could after recieving six credits, but there weren't any left open. I ended up taking an art history course and Spanish 201. Glad I got into a Spanish class, even if it is at eight in the morning. I need to refresh my memory before there is nothing left to refresh.

Adorable Chef Mike called this morning and woke me up. It had dawned on him that he would be coming to get me, and had no idea where I lived. So I told him. The conversation was a fairly uplifting one. He was funny. I'm horrible with directions, so they consisted of me saying, "Take a left down this little street, and there are buildings on it, and there will probably be other cars on the road."

I'm exaggerating a little. Only a little.

I put a check in the mail today. A check for one thousand and twelve dollars and zero cents. That's two tuition payments, kids, and one enrollment fee in the monthly payment plan. That's all my savings.

That's sad.

I think I want to go make a list of things I am going to pack for school. It will make me happy.

Who cares that moving day is forty-six days away.

astera at 1:54 p.m.

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