June 30, 2002

Oscillating Fan

Did you know that if you are a survivor of a shipwreck, you should vomit in the life raft instead of into the water to avoid attracting sharks? I feel the need to share that, because I don't ever want any of you to die because of queasy stomachs and an aversion to sitting in a pool of your own fluids.

Nice. It's amazing what you can learn from pop-up video.

I had all sorts of things to say in my next entry, surfacing, mostly, as I was trying to fall asleep last night, but they have all but escaped me now.

O. I downloaded Incubus' 'Warning' video, and damn, it's bad ass. Francis Lawrence was the director. I'm one of those dorks that actually notices the artistic slants in a music video, and makes sure to write down the director's name at the close of it. After browsing around online, I found that among his more recent credits (past ones I neither care about nor care to mention), he directed both 'Hands Clean' and 'Precious Illusions' for Alanis Morissette (see 'Precious Illusions', the story of any wistful girl's life); 'I'm Like a Bird' for Nelly Furtado and 'Like A Pill' for Pink. While I do not usually care for Pink, not at all, that video is stunning.

Hoorah. I didn't know he did all this cool stuff.

Also see Nigel Dick and Marcos Siega. Woo.

Why can't Rivers go back to being quirky, cute, be-spectacled boy? Why must he be grisly, Appalachian-bred Old Man Rivers?

I will still enjoy the concert immensely. I adore Weezer's music. The fact that their lead singer is an absolute doll is just a bonus.

You know, I compose this super play list on Kazaa and then it performs an illegal operation and shuts itself down. I have a sort of love/hate relationship with Windows. I'm not willing to upgrade, or, gasp, switch to a Mac, but I still bitch and moan and whine about all the goofy little kinks in Windows.

I think at some point I should put up a list of the songs I have downloaded, merely because that reflects more my current musical tastes than does my record collection. Because mp3's are free, kids, and albums cost fifteen-fucking dollars.

Mother fucking Kazaa and your audio advertisements that won't turn off. I'm getting Kazaa lite. Eventually.

Alright. Off to be productive. Or, in Jillian's terms, open up Microsoft Word and stare at the blank page until some divine inspiration comes spiralling out of the sky. Hope it happens before work.

astera at 10:42 a.m.

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