September 10, 2002

Morons from Hell

Yesterday was the Moron Day From Hell. I had absolutely no short term memory whatsoever. I ducked out of my history class early to run back to my dorm to grab my English paper, that I had forgotten at seven-thirty that morning, then ran to Western Campus only to find that said class was cancelled.

Then I forgot my paperwork for the financial aid office, and a book, and my wallet. All of these remembered after being some distance from my dorm and their prospective places therein. Needless to say, by about eight p.m. I was quite tired of myself. You know, more than usual.

But I got to go to the WMSR meeting. It's the student radio here. I so want to be on it. Not a show, mind you, at least not yet. I want to review CD's and interview people and write. Huzzah.

But Today was far from the Moron Day From Hell. Mike came to visit me (gasp), and we tried in vain to construct my new computer from the wreckage that is his old one and the almost-as-such that is currently mine. It turns out, however, that my monitor is too old to support his computer. Curses.

It was okay, though. We went up to Skyline and hung out in the lovely air conditioning in the blue sparkly diner chairs. Then we sat alongside the fountain uptown and I toyed with the idea of putting my feet in the water.

Once back in my dorm, and post pool-playing-and-bad-video-watching, we retired to my dorm room. Lounging on my bed.

I jump up, take into my fist the dry erase marker and pen onto the board:

"Personal Time. I mean that in the most innocent way possible."

I finish. I shut the door.

You decide whether or not I was lying. I'm going to proceed to cackle evilly.

I just adore him. I am feeling much more optimstic about everything. Basically because I just love him madly and can't imagine living without him.

Whether or not it is the same for him, we shall see...

I downloaded SNL clips. I am sitting here laughing my ass off. I am sure my roommate must think I'm nuts.

What's new?

Tomorrow have oodles of classes. Argh and frustration to that.

Am going to watch episode of South Park before bed.

astera at 11:25 p.m.

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