September 19, 2002

Howie Day and Aquafina

Alright. Let's all go and watch/download/molest John Mayer's new video for 'Your Body is a Wonderland.' Beautiful.

I didn't think about a certain individual who at one time took pictures of me for no reason, who continues to sing to me, no matter our environs, not exclusively but most especially when we are laying together with the blind light slanting on our bodies...

This weekend is going to be horrible and nightmarish merely because he won't be there. Sunday. SundaySundaySundaySundaySunday. I can maintain sanity that long... right?

You know me.

I had a rather colourful battle with my printer today. Windows XP decided, finally, that my Epson printer would have to do, and lowered itself enough so that I could install the bastard. Then I had to attempt to refill the ink cartridge with a very intimidating looking syringe.

Needless to say, there is black ink splattered all over my desk and the printer, none within, and semi-permanent stains on the tips of nearly all of my fingers. I feel like freaking Jo March.

Carrie and I were talking, whilst watching Newsies how maddening Lousia May Alcott is. She blatantly refused to allow Jo to have Laurie, nevermind the fact that he so desperately loved her.

And, clearly, who would ever deny the adoration of Christian Bale?

Fucking righteous 19th century women writers.

I've downloaded nearly every episode of SNL Celebrity Jeopardy, as well as a bevy of movies. Including, and limited to, Monsters Inc., Ten Things I hate About You, Pitch Black, and Empire Records. Ten Things refuses to work, so I am going to trash it and download anew.

Did I mention that these take me 25 minutes at most to download?

Glorious, glorious college network!

I wish I could stop thinking about navy blue sheets.

astera at 10:17 p.m.

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