September 23, 2002

A Girl and Her Turtle

I wonder if the turtle likes Ryan Adams as much as I do.

So. I have a pet. And Ryan Adams 'Gold.' One of them has me in constant fits of paranoia as to whether or not he is sick/cold/hungry/dead. I bet you can't guess which.

He needs a bigger tank. And a filter. And a full spectrum heat lamp.

And to eat. If he doesn't eat he'll die. Doesn't he understand that?

Maybe he wants to die. Maybe he's a manic depressive.

Anybody know any good pet therapists?

Aside from being insane I feel pretty damn good. Got to see Mike yesterday. Get to see dearest Kelsi today.

And I think it is so cool that Zeke calls her Kels. To me. Pip, Pip. Capital, Capital.

So Mike comes to pick me up yesterday around a quarter 'till five, fresh from his flight from Dallas. His brother is using my phone quickly on the back porch. I am gathering my things, turning off various appliances, Mike is rambling about something. I wander towards the door, purse slinging as I prepare to depart, when Mike says my name once, twice, quite plaintively. I turn about. He beckons for me to come to him. I do.

And he kisses me, very softly, and puts his arms around me. Almost instinctively, we both sigh in unision. He is warm and nice-smelling and enveloping. Good to be back in his arms.

And then, suddenly... finding myself back out of them. But that's today.

We drove his brother Freddie home and I had to sit in the middle, one leg on either side. Mike had to shift gears, so... we were entertained, casting smiles and sly eyes at eachother. He's horrible. I'm almost as bad.

I want to write in my new journal. I cannot sanction that, however, until I have finished the old one. So. I should go think of interesting things to say to finish it up.

Any ideas?

O, and what should I name my turtle? I am thinking a boy name will do for either sex, as it will be cute if he does end up being a she, whereas, were he a boy who I gave a girl's name to, it would be very emasculating and he would need even more therapy for the gender complex he would most certainly develop.

So. Anything but Bob.

astera at 11:53 a.m.

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