October 21, 2002

Convenient Parking

Listening to Portishead's 'Glory Box.' We all know it rocks. I mean, clearly.

I am drinking an orange soda and feeling more than deliciously satisfied. Let's just say that my peace of mind was more than worth the ten dollars and ninety-nine cents I spent at Kroger's this morning. I find it odd that the condoms and the pregnancy tests are right alongside eachother. It's almost like they are trying to say something, you know?

I love my room at school almost more than my room at home. It is beginning to feel a whole lot like home.

On the walls are, not necessarily in this order: my birthday cards, photographs, Mike's class schedule, my Star Wars: A New Hope poster, John Mayer, Ryan Adams, Weezer, two coloured-and-cut-out pictures of Lilo and Stitch, 'Ophelia' by John William Waterhouse, 'Rock n' Roll Sur de les Quais Paris' by Paul Almasy, and 'The Old Man's Beard Fairy' authentic print by Cecily Mary Barker. Also, more than the necessary amount of Powerpuff girls framing the mirror.

I have three milk crates serving as my shelves. The bottom one is occupied with my sparkly blue shower caddy. Above are my books, though they can often also be found on the floor. The uppermost shelf has both food and dryer sheets, my Spanish-English dictionary, an empty water bottle. On top are two stuffed monkeys, my journals, and my photo album.

My desk is crowded. A picture of Korey and I last Halloween in a black frame, my bohemian pen cup, Pepe's tank, a small gourd, more journals, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Also, aforementioned can of orange soda. My computer monitor is shingled by various notes-to-self, and is crowned by Sponge Bob Squarepants, a turtle candle, a homie, and an Anne Geddes cheetah baby. He is asleep.

My comforter is blue and purple and green and white and be-flowered. I have a purple shag pillow, as well as the avocado and harvest gold flowered pillow. Sully is nestled, napping, between the two.

Meghan furnished our dorm with creamy white carpet. I try not to spill things on it.

My dresser is decorated with dancing lime-green skeletons. On top are my books, my picture frames, and the various boxes and single ceramic dish that house my hair wraps, jewelry, and bobby pins.

Note that any of these things could at any time become transitory, and more than likely end up on the floor around my bed.

Note that I take no responsiblity whatsoever for my scatter brained-ness.

I need to file my nails. In the past, I have not bothered. Usually I have, in fits of nervousness, bitten them all to hell. Am trying to avoid doing so. Am not in the least bit girly. Is frustrating.

Actually, am very girly. Just not traditionally so.

I have a package to get from Abigail! Hoorah! Cannot suppress urge to dance about and sing!

Roommate will think I am silly.

I am silly.

astera at 2:21 p.m.

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