December 26, 2002

Christmas and What Came After

I will comfort my lack of the LOTR:FOTR extended DVD with the Eowyn-esque jewelry my mother decided to get me instead. Now all I need to do is alter my seventies prom dress so I can be a Rohirrim maiden when I go to see ROTK next year.

None of you care.

My hair feels dirty.

Without school, every single day is the same. What is point of updating when there is so very little of substance to say?

Mike bought me the soundtrack to TTT and a video card for my computer. Now I can play The Sims with rampant fervor and listen to 'Gollum's Song' at the same time.

Outside the snow lays thick and white upon the ground and inside my arms prick with the cold and my stomach with the little bit of chocolate I just put into it. I am wearing Scooby-Doo pajama pants and contemplating a shower and another chapter or two of one of the three books (Dune Prophecy, Farewell to Arms, and The Two Towers) I am reading right now. I slept for twelve and a half hours last night, so a nap is clearly out of question.

Christmas evening with Mike's family last night, meaning his Aunt and Uncle and various cousins. They are lovely, but due to my innate awkward nature I could not talk too much. His Aunt gave me a gift, apologizing that she had not had one for me when everybody else had opened theirs. I thanked her profusely for the yummy smelly soaps and lotions, claiming that now I would smell nice.

She cleared her throat and looked at Mike.

"What do you say, Mike?"

Mike raises his eyebrows, gaze darting from me to his Aunt to me again.

"...but Jill, you always smell nice."

I giggle, and then I eat vegetables and drink a very little bit of sweet Autumn wine.

Funny. My own Aunts don't even get me Christmas gifts.

Mike doesn't care if my family likes him. That hurts me in a strange way... but what difference should it make? They don't even much like me.

I care if his family likes me.

"Well, you got something going for you with my family."

"And what is that?" I ask, hearing the answer before he has spouted it.

"Me." He smiles, obviously jesting.

I was torn yesterday between laughing at his jokes and thinking him an asshole. Some days Mike's blunt nature just grates me the wrong way, nevermind the fact that all the rest of the days I think him an angel.

I just wish that yesterday could have been one of those angel days.

astera at 11:47 a.m.

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