January 5, 2003

Optical Delusion

Watching Dune with Mike was like being in an episode of Mystery Science Theatre 2000. Not only was the Baron Harkonnen gay, so was Feyd. And Duke Leto had stifled homosexual tendencies. Chani was going to "share her water" with Paul practically from the get-go, despite the fact that she is, quite obviously, a self respecting Fremen woman.

What does that say for me?

I giggled madly and found that the experience with him was significantly better than this. I love that Mike and I can have tender moments preceded and followed by mad crazy laughter moments.

He held me down on the couch and licked me and I was not at all happy about it. He also made scary Gollum faces and squeezed me and spoke in raspy tones about "my Preciousssss", which, I am assuming, is me. Better be, at any rate.

My little truck took us about today, driven mostly by him and least of all by me. I drove to Kroger's and back, and a street and a half on the way home not an hour ago. He said he was actually surprised by how well I handled it, and I thanked him several times. He claimed that his expectations must have been exceedingly low. And who, really, could blame him? Especially when it comes to my driving abilities?

On the way home, whilst he was behind the wheel, I remarked that the snow coming down the road, cast into the headlights, reminded me of Star Wars.

"I think that everytime I drive in the snow." He smiled.

"You can be Han Solo and I'll be Princess Leia."

"No... you're Chewie." He takes a fistful of my fuzzy sweater. "You got all this hairy stuff. Now you just have to make the noises."

A chorus of the both of us trying our best to imitate Chewbacca ensues.

I am in love, kids, and be it my best path or no, I don't think anything, short of, say, a nuclear holocaust, could keep me away from him. It just couldn't be the same with anyone else. It couldn't be anyone else.

astera at 2:33 a.m.

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