February 3, 2003

Daria Shmaria

It is somewhat unsettling to me the care that must be put into curly hair. Or, rather, the lack of care. If I don't wash it very often, and don't brush it at all, it looks like gorgeous, elegant, resplendent Galadriel hair. If I wash it and comb it like a normal person, I start to look like I've jumped out of the 80's, all feathered and frizzy and wretched.

So. Anti-Folicle hygiene all the way.

Jerry Springer is coming to lecture at my college. Has hell frozen over?

I think I have just a little bit of respect for Christina Aguilera. Firstly, she has an amazing voice. I saw her at Lilith Fair about four years ago, before she made it big, and she sang Etta James and fucking rocked it. Secondly, she is a slut and admits it. Unlike Britney, who wants to pretend that she is actually a virgin and then wear cellophane clothing and gyrate around, Christina is, like, "Hey, fuck me, it's okay! I know I'm a skank-ho!" And I respect that.

I have several very important things to do. And yet, The Sims are calling...

English Homework! Taxes! FAFSA! CD Burning! Bill Paying! Phone Call Making!


astera at 11:21 a.m.

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