March 27, 2003


Ignoring the utter chaos that is my guestbook at present, let us revel in the beauteousness of Card Captor Sakura! I have never seen this cartoon. I have the sneaking suspicion that it does not air in Ohio, nor is it broadcast anywhere in English. So.

My undying love for cartoons prevails, even those I have never seen. But. She. Has. A. Flying. Hamster. Like. Creature.

I am contemplating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while I wait for Mike to arrive. I have absolutely no idea what sorts of things will occupy our evening, but hopefully they take me far far away from my dorm room. We had a lovely morning, I only hope it can be duplicated when the sun has set.

I made breakfast, and his sighs of contentment were heartwarming as he ate scrambled eggs and goetta and then promptly curled back up in his blankets. He holds his arms out to me, beckoning me to join him in "the womb."

I took what little time I had left before dashing off to class to be enveloped. It was warm, but not squishy. I liked the feel of his breath on my neck and was o-to-tempted to skip.

Industrious me. I did not. How could I miss out on a riveting lecture concerning John Donne and his persistent sexual conceits?

Spring has arrived and with it what seems to be a sort of legitimate employment for me. I've pretty much been hired on at the park to man the booth and supply people with passes, and I also got a phone call from the library today seeking an interview for the Forest Park position.

Whoop. Fucking. Eee.

Seeing as both my cell phone bill and credit card bill are going to be late, and I owe my dad one hundred dollars, and I have another car payment coming up, and Mike has been buying my gas...

Employment is the greatest evil known to man.

Driving down 27 I look to my left and see Rumpke dump, the veritable mountain of the tri-states trash, looming. At its peak someone has thrust an American flag. Everytime I see it I cringe with appropriateness.

Not to jump on the bandwagon or anything.

astera at 5:33 p.m.

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