October 15, 2003


There are four bottles of beverages on my desk, none of which were finished and two of which are certainly no longer drinkable. Imbibable?

I have decided that I am a book collector. Considering the mass of my collection, and the small percentage therein that I have actually made time read, I feel that this is a more appropriate description of me. There is always Christmas break reserved for Octavia Butler's Kindred, Ursula K. Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness, Kate Chopin's The Awakening, George Eliot's Middlemarch, Louis Chu's Eat a Bowl of Tea, Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights... does the list ever end? I can tell you that it does not.

I am feeling much better today after that three day run with illness. It was exciting, though, taking my temperature and seeing something other than 98.6 on the display screen. I never get sick. I think that my immunities must have been down due to my diet of virtually nothing but pasta and candy.

Yeah, you try living at college.

Tonight I shall be rocking out to a super groovy band. I may even put on makeup to try and entice a certain member to divorce his wife... but, um, yeah, I'm over that fifteen-year-old business.

But, like, Isaac totally has a mohawk! Like, SQUEE!

Kels, are we fangirls?

astera at 1:26 p.m.

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