January 7, 2004

Woe, Morning!

When I tell Mike I rarely (if ever) get to have sex in my dreams, he looks on me with a face full of pity.

Nevertheless, I did have a dream about us naked last night... does that count?

Dinner with my father last night proved a pleasant affair. We had chicken wings at BW3, he and Mike and I, and while Mike kept giving me wrong answers that I trusted and right ones that I didn't in the NTN game, Dad regaled me with tales of his women, and questions as to his behavior with them. Seeing as I am a relationship counselor, after all.

He does pay me with food.

Afterwards, Mike and I went from Target to Wal-Mart in search of suitable winter gear for him. Most of the hats made him look as though he had a mushroom head, but we finally settled on a navy blue one with a sort of abstract snowflake pattern around the brow. And tassles, which he cut off almost as soon as we had walked in the door. I bought mauve knit gloves to match my scarf, and seeing as they were only three dollars, there was much jubilation.

I could hardly tear myself out of bed this morning, and then, when I had, it was doubly difficult to pry myself out of his arms. There is something heart-breaking about seeing him off to work, I feel like a housewife or something. Then, though, I just want to be a slacker girlfriend, careless enough to tug him back into bed with me and spend the day there.

We both have things we have to do. It amazes me how a mere five hours of work manages to dishearten me beyond recall.

Until then.

astera at 11:06 a.m.

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