January 12, 2004

Back Handed

I wrapped the chocolate donut in a napkin, toting it back to my room only to unwrap it, and set it in front of my picture frames. Untouched.

I wonder how long this pretense at health will linger?

Bethany and I walked over to Alexander dining hall for breakfast, and I filled a bowl with grapes and pineapple. She settled in yesterday afternoon, and has regaled me since with tales of Europe. She was also kind enough to bring me back a french magazine with posters of Orlando Bloom and Harry/Draco, and some German chocolate with LOTR stickers inside. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the actual chocolate, but the stickers are delightful.

It's odd not having Carrie around, but I think Beth and I will get along fine. We tired to watch Bridget Jones' Diary last night, but, apparently, my DVD is of a lesser quality and unable to be played in her computer. She proceeded to knit a leg warmer, and I busted out the scanner. Pictures from Louisville are posted over here.

I am feeling cozy here again, but already I am feeling that familiar ache, that gnawing business right between my breasts. I can almost imagine his head resting, just over the hurt, and all pain dissolving. I won't let myself miss him just yet, not a legitimate missing. I need to keep myself busy.

Ideas, anyone?

astera at 10:17 a.m.

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