June 18, 2001

Day One

I have so many camp songs going through my head (none of which with varied enough melodies that I can tell the difference between them)that I fear for my sanity. The princess Pat...

Do you know what I have decided? I love my writing. Even if nobody reads this, it's really some of the most beautiful and revealing things I've ever written. Some of the entires I've written totally capture my perspective, my emotions, my fears and all the rest of it. I might publish this one day. Change all the names and places, maybe, it'd be neat. I think I would feel better about being young if I had something honest to read about it, instead of all of this jazzed-up bullshit about being a cheerleader or a punk or a geek. Why isn't there anything about somebody in between? And through such a work, revealing that there is no such thing as in between, that everyone is composed of infinite depths?

Bubblegum, bazooka-zooka bubblegum...

astera at 9:37 p.m.

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