June 20, 2001

Tribute to my Adorable Girls

Camp is killing me. But I love it.

These girls are just the cutest. They're so young and unadulterated, they haven't gotten clique-ish yet and they still all get along (except when they accidentally slap eachother and make eachother cry, but that's another story).

My favorite is Cara. She is this crazy-ballistic little girl, all spindly and hyper, and she loves me. She'll just come up and give me hugs and grin at me, then go running off spastic-like. Emily is also adorable. She seems sort of quiet, but she's funny. She talks half to you and half to herself. I heard her say today, the first part in a scream:

"Girls are better than boys!"


"In a way..."

Another pause.

"Sort of..."

This stemmed from our ongoing fued with the group of boys who are at the camp because their mothers are Girl Scout Moms. They attacked us with water balloons today (aiming for Olivia but succeeding in only getting Katie and I wet), and now the girls are plotting revenge.

I am so attached to them already! Morgan, Cara, and Kelly connived piggy back rides out of me today, and when I asked them if they had any concern for my poor, aching back they said 'no.' I told you they were adorable.

So this is my tribute to my super-sweet fourth grade girls who will probably not remember me next year and will probably think they are too old to hold my hand or fight over who gets to sit next to me. So to Cara, Emily, Morgan, Kelly, Julia, Olivia, Mary, Jacqueline, Tiffany, Justine, Gabby, Susan, and Michelle, you have my love and the credit for renewing my faith in the treasure that is childhood.

astera at 10:03 p.m.

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