July 9, 2001

Body Wash

I loathe Mandy Moore. She took my job. It would be typical of MTV to take a pop tart and let her be a VJ. Damn't.

Yesterday we were rained out. Ryan and I were going to go bowling with Mal and Brad, but then they canceled, so we were going to take his sister and his cousin, but they canceled, so we went by ourself. We finished our game in about a half hour (he kicking my ass, 135:75), so then we thought we'd go see a movie. Everything had already started at Danbarry, so we drove over to Showcase. By then it was raining so hard Ryan had to practically press his face against the windshield to see to drive. Showcase was closed due to power failure. So we were soaked from running from the car to the door, and it was trying to tornado, and he didn't want to drive around anymore for fear of getting us killed. But I didn't want to go home.

So we just went and watched a movie at his house. Didn't tell my mom, but I will if she asks. I decided not to call her last night 'cause she would've just bitched, and because I had an epiphany.

We went to rent a movie at Network, and Jenny was working. She said not to bother to call my mom. I said I'd just feel guilty about it tomorrow, and she said I always feel guilty, it's my nature.

So painfully true. I feel guilty about everything. I think too much. I need sedatives.

Jennifer Love Hewitt is equally as annoying. I loathe those commercials where she is talking about Clean and Clear or some shit, like, "Everybody knows kids get breakouts in other places than their faces, that's why we have a new body wash!" Well, Jennifer, you are just one big break out. I'm going to get satanic-but-brilliant Jody to create a body wash that will just dissolve you.

Jody is way too smart to have so much hate. If she were God, she'd kill half the population. Just because they got on her nerves or were too dumb to be left alive for fear that they might procreate. Some people just shouldn't have kids. Most people just shouldn't have kids.

But she can get rid of Jennifer. Maybe Mandy, too. Damn Mandy. Polluting the airwaves every afternoon. And I'm pursuing a career in this. I think my motivation is pure jealousy.

That could be a problem.

astera at oblivion

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