September 6, 2001

School Days

I think after my week hear I can give some sort of accurate representation of college life. At least from Jill

s perspective. Let me give it a try.

Finally haul one's ass into bed at about eleven, after chatting with Jody or Kels or Chris or Mach. Fall asleep to the sounds of drunks or retards or both at about midnight.

Wake up. Pull up some Splashdown online and go for a shower.

With flip-flops on.

Trek to class in the early morning cold and vow to bring a jacket the next day for the fourth time. Huff and Puff up bastard Jeff hill.

Pay rapt attention in Bio Anthro, as you find it fascinating.

Doze in Graphics.

Pass the Gyros cart again on your way back "home." Meet Molly or Laura for lunch.

Get accosted by two boys playing the ukelele and spoons on your way back from Comparative Arts (where you also dozed). They sing a song in reference to your pigtails and how they are in desperate need of funds. You deliberate on giving them a nickel, and then realize it is too much of a hassle to fish one's wallet out of evil messenger bag.

Think happily about grandma's package while having a dinner of crunchy fried shrimp and watermelon. Tell Laura that you will be recieving porn in the mail.

Return to room. Put on comfy pink pajama bottoms and think of the wonderful evening ahead of you.

Of watching T.V. And sleeping.

astera at nightie-night

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