September 24, 2001

Bat Girl's Adventures in Full Time Employment

Jillian, alias Bat Girl.

Sunday was Renaissance Festival Day. For those of you not hailing from the good old Buckeye state or, moreover, the Indiana-Kentucky-Ohio greater tri-state area, we have a stupendous Renaissance festival here. And Sunday it was haunted by a sparkly forest maiden, an exceptionally gay man in a cape and a leather mask, a be-horned devil who also happened to be female and clad in a cape, and, of course, a bat girl in a dress.

Nathan was there, too, but he wore civilian clothes. The absolute lack of creativity.

It was splendid, if a bit warm and a bit expensive. There were kilt-clad boys abounding, and Kels and I were having veritable fits of Scottish love glee.

I bought a little cube filled with patchuli leaves (or flowers or herbs or something, not quite sure what it is before being reduced to its dried state) hanging from a necklace, and it smells divine. I absolutely love the smell of patchuli. I think I'm going to bathe myself in a tub of it.

I was going to buy myself a crown, a legitimate made-of-some-sort-of-durable-and-yet-attractive-metal with maybe a jewel or a pentagram welded to it, but I didn't have enough money. And my forehead is in a horrible mood. It would look positively dashing in a circlet and now shall likely never have one.

I sound immensely shallow today considering I'm actually sort of feeling extra-emotionally-depthy.

I started work today. And I like it. I price things (made mostly of resin except when they aren't made of resin, and that was only once with a box of mis-priced plastic sheriff's badges), play with wigs and hats and costumes, and make fun of Brian, the warehouse manager guy who claims he is neither sarcastic nor does he mock other people.

And that is pretty much all I heard him doing in my eight hour day today.

I sent Ryan a letter today, finally. It won't get mailed out until tomorrow, which means he won't get it until likely Thursday or Friday, and then he'll wait a couple days to write me (I'm betting on this), and then I won't recieve that for a few days; and it'll be the end of next week before I hear any signs of life out of Texas.

Have I mentioned how much I hate the military and the unquenchable thirst boys have to join and play with guns?

astera at evening, gentiliity

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