January 14, 2002

Sheep Festivals

Kelsi and I deduced breakfast and religions in a scant forty minute phone conversation.

Clearly, the joy that is melting dinosaurs in your oatmeal is not worth the taste. And cream of wheat is good with milk and butter and sugar. And it doesn't matter how much milk you add, the cream of wheat will suck it up.

I never realized wheat had cream. I'm not sure I want to pursue this thought.

Religion is funny. Wiccan's worship sheep and the druids only sacrificed people in the single digits so it's okay.

I've offended about eighty religions in the whole of my diary. I do so only in jest.

Except of course for anything said about the Catholics. I totally fucking meant that.

Did I just say that outloud?

Tonight I am scathing and rude. As opposed to earlier when I was stupid and disconnected.

My Morpheus is now fat full with Dashboard and Bjork and Jimmy Eat World and I am having a great time all alone in my room.

And I may be getting a job! Hoorah for the Westwood library!

I apologize to the Catholics.


astera at 10:24 p.m.

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