January 20, 2002

Pygmy Festival

They are advertising adjustable beds on television. Something about a "lifetime of temporary relief" just doesn't make sense to me. Advertising has gone totally downhill. If that's even possible.

A delighful weekend with Kels, her recording equipment, and bouncing Bowser on the rainbow road. Ryan added the cherry to my sundae today by calling practically the moment I walked in the door.

Sundae, Sunday... get it?

I purchased Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for fifty cents at Staples. That's about ninety-four percent off of the original price.


Last night, despite the, er, successes of recording most of songs, I was overcome by such a sadness. I've ascended to that lofty throne of pretend sanity, but sometimes I cannot help but think how far he is from me. I am maddening unto myself. I am frowning because he is far and I do not think he loves me, or I am frowning because he is far and I know he does. I tried to explain to him the respite my dreams offer, but the fact that the last dream I had of him was one wherein he had long, crimped hair kind of defeated my argument.

Even the touch of him in my dreams is a comfort.

astera at grape

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