April 8, 2002

What the Night told Me

I would make a wish... but it might not come true.

I had so many adventures today. Dad and I abandoned this morning's doctor's appointment for a thrift store visit instead, and I bought, among various other articles, a formal dress for a dollar fifty. It is long, mauve, and very seventies, with an empire waist and a pleated skirt. It will be perfect for the tarot cards Kels and I are resuming work on. I've decided, with her aid in judgment, to wear it for the Queen of Cups. I have claimed that one as my suit, and thus far that is the only card I have settled on portraying. Though, when considering the very shallow pool of subjects to choose from, I will almost positively have to be several different people. As will we all.

Which reminds me to remind Kelsi to call Jesse. He needs to gather all of his fellow gay friends (and non-gay friends, if they'll concede) so we can assign them cards and take their pictures. I'm hoping for more gay than not, as gay men are well kept and actually eager to put on costumes and pose for photographs. Straight men are a different story alltogether...

But I was talking about my adventures.

Dad and I ate at McDonald's, too, and while we were there I bought one of the little Happy Meal toys. It's a Madam Alexander doll, whoever the hell she is, and he is supposed to be Peter Pan. I, however, have come to the conclusion that he is most definitely Robin Hood. Though I have a thing for both.

What can I say? I dig boys in green.

And then Kels and I ventured to Pier One and the gas station before heading back to her house to occupy ourselves in the usual non-sensical fashion.

I just love driving around with her. It's great, kind of like how it used to be my junior year with Jenny, when we worked together and would buzz around in the granny blaring Rage Against the Machine. Only with Kels it is better, maybe because we've been like sisters practically since our first meeting and Jenny and I have grown apart. Kels and I just sit and sing along to Splashdown, each in our own harmony, mine slightly off, bursting into speech when some random thought pops into our heads. It's lovely.

I like that we make sure to put the multiple CD case out of sight, but the Hanson CD remains face up, in plain view, on the backseat. I'm not really worried that it would get stolen, to tell you the truth.

Today felt like Halloween. Maybe it was the dim yellow sidewalk lights outside of her house, maybe it was the orangey, humid night sky. Maybe it was the wind, foretelling of cold and yet itself warm.

Maybe it was me.

I think I've contrived the entire madness with Brandon in my own head. Has he really behaved any differently? Or have I only been percieving it this way?

It never occured to me that he might be shy.

As though his smile does not imply it.

I want to dream sweetly. To each of you the same.

astera at 11:11 p.m.

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