April 12, 2002

Childhood Memories

When my brother and I were little we had two favorite songs. One was Alabama's 'Song of the South.' Justin was amazed that I knew all of the words, when, in fact, I really only knew the chorus and faked the rest.

He was easily fooled at age seven, what can I say.

The second was ZZ Top's 'La Grange.' Dad, being the musical officionado that he is, filled our small minds full of sixties and seventies rock and warped us into becoming the sick little people we are today.

At any rate, whenever this song came on Justin and I would just look at eachother and grin. I would proceed to head bang and play air guitar. He would launch into extravagant drum solos using his knees as appropriate agents.

My childhood was so great. And, in retrospect, so was my brother. I could get him to do anything. He was not really given the chance to play like a normal child until I was in junior high. We would play Boxcar Children in the big, hollow pine tree (I was always Violet) and cavemen in the garage and indians in the tree house. We were, of course, always in costume.

Do you think Mom was embarassed that her two children were running around outside in leotards and shouting in nonsensical tongues? Because, obviously, cavemen did not speak English.

The indians did, though.

I would never in a million years be a kid again, but I am glad I enjoyed it while I was one.

What the hell am I saying. I'm still a kid. I just found different toys to play with.

astera at 12:33 p.m.

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