April 15, 2002

Pissed Off

You know, I hate to say this on my brother's birthday, but fuck my family.

I mention something to my mom about Justin at work offering to teach me how to drive. I said I might take him up on the offer, as it has been made by a dozen others in the past and I have not accepted.

So my mom acts like I'm an idiot, of course, that I'm just jumping in the car with a perfect stranger who is going to rape me.

They are fucking impossible. They won't teach me, and then they don't want anyone else to either. They complain that they have to take me places, but they sure aren't doing anything to amend this problem. And of course I am talking to my brother, bitching that they won't take me because they think I'm scary, and then he says, "Well, you are."

How can my driving skills be expected to be otherwise when I don't know how to drive?

I feel trapped, as usual.

It's hot today. The trailer is like an oven.

I'm too pissed to really say anything of value, except I shall relay a bit of trivia before I forget to. Again. Did you know Kylie Minogue, as in Do-The-Locamotion-and-I-Just-Can't-Get-You-Outta-My-Head Kylie Minogue; was in both Bio-Dome and Moulin Rouge? Yep. She was the red-head in the former and the Green Fairy in the latter.

Learn something new everyday, don't cha?

Excuse me while I go ram my head into a brick wall.

astera at 4:49 p.m.

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