April 25, 2002

Like You Care

The past two days have been pointless. I have either been doing things I don't want to do, or doing things that amount to nothing. I haven't been faithful to any of my buddies. I apologize in form of shameless linking.

I am eating Ramen noodles and drinking cranberry juice. I have to get ready for work in roughly a half an hour. I do not want to go.

This layout business is still a curse. Fuck it. I am just going to wait until I buy some black and white film for my camera, and then I am going to take the pictures I want, since no decent photographs can be found on the web.

Not to imply that the pictures I will take will be at all worthy. They'll just be mine.

Psianina was saying that she would never ask for a celebrity's autograph, and instead would want to have a picture taken with them. I think that I would like to take just their picture.

a) I don't trust other people to take my pictures for me.

2) Me being in the photograph would ruin it.

Why do boys eat like animals? Instead of cutting up a piece of meat with a fork and a knife, like a human being, they just jam entire chunks of food in their mouths. This is what utensils were created for, kids. Why bother using the fork at all if you are just going to stick something the size of your hand into your mouth?

You know, people don't dance anymore. Horrible as I am at the art, how I would love to belong to an era when dancing was an integral part of courtship. Like Regency England. I bet I would look hot in an empire waisted dress.

People don't dance anymore. And they don't wear enough clothes.

On the brightest of sides, Mach finally convinced me to join deviantart, so here I am. As soon as I start taking photographs for the tarot I am going to post them here, so if anybody is at all interested (do I hear the faint sound of crickets?), I'll be letting you know.

I'll stop blathering now. Must shower. Argosy awaits.

astera at 12:09 p.m.

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