April 26, 2002

Mach's Demands

I am not up. I am not up.

Though I told Mach that my bed was promising money, cookies, and attractive, shirtless boys if I came to it, he will not allow me to do so until he is finished fixing the horror that is the html for my new layout. Not to discredit dearest Kelsi, as she has aided me so much in the past, but she isn't up. What can I say, I adore the both of them.

So, the new layout is pending, should be up in the next few days. Do I hear raucous cries of excitement?

No, I didn't think so.

The tour to end all tours is taking place this summer. Dashboard Confessional and Weezer. I am delighted, to say the least, and will definitely find some way to attend. Maybe I can take a bus...

I have to pee. And I need to go to bed. Because I have to go to work tomorrow. And Brandon will be there. Thinking that I am hyper.

Since when does cheerfullness at work, demanded, practically, in my job requirements, constitute as hyperness? I think it was only a nice way of saying he thinks I am silly and immature. Which is not a nice thing to say at all considering he has never actually had a conversation with me.

I am not silly. I am dramatic.

If I were silly, I wouldn't know how to spell that.

Why, why don't I just get a life?

I will, when I get my Chevelle.

astera at 2:34 a.m.

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