April 29, 2002


I cannot believe the ad I just saw on my Kazaa. It said 'Own a piece of history; Get a plaque made with the metal from the World Trade Center.'

That is just fucking sick. Will people ever get over the Roman mentaility of Blood + Gore = Entertainment?

Probably not.

Work sucked. What's new?

I said the word 'fuck' a little too loudly today and one of the customers eyed me for it. I could care less. I am a person, too, and I get frustrated, too. It was within the confines of a private conversation; I cannot always be an overly-enthusiastic automaton, especially when I go to seat a couple at a clean, empty table, and they insist on having the dirty one right next to it. I will never understand people. The more I encounter them the less I even have the desire to do so.

Supervisor Nick also came and told me to take a few deep breaths today, when we got a late rush and had already closed half the stations. I felt richly stupid later, and apologized for being so unhinged. I just don't want to disappoint him after he gave me such a glowing review. I guess after three days of insanity, though, he may understand me being a little short of nerve.

At least I didn't yell at any of the customers. I sure had a good verbal bashing going in my head, though.

Praying for part-time...

Dashboard Confessional is coming back to Cincinnati! I was going to go to the show last month, but it sold out with a mere snap of the fingers. I am going to try to buy tickets for this one this week; it is on June 4 so maybe I still have a chance. Let us certainly hope so, eh?

At any rate, I will still go to the Weezer/Dashboard show. That is a must see, certainly.

If I were rich I would buy Adobe Photoshop. But I'm not, and I can't.

I'm lonely. Kelsi has to work both of my days off, so we don't get to see eachother, which, in other words, means I go yet another week without real social interaction. Work doesn't count. Work sucks. Certain boys there suck.

Anybody free to go for coffee?

astera at 12:34 a.m.

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