October 28, 2002

Aw Naw Hell Naw

I should make my bed, or write the conclusion to my political science paper, which is due in roughly an hour and a half. To tell you the truth, I should probably do both.

I am, however, occupied with neither.

Listening to The Smashing Pumpkins' 'In the Arms of Sleep.' Sighs abounding.

I have acquired a pirate costume! It was one of my favorites last year when I worked at Cappel's, and that was where my family and I ventured yesterday so I could purchase it. I also bought myself a sword, and fishnet tights.

Do you think it would be weird if I just wore the saucy pirate costume as a regular article in my wardrobe?

Yeah, I thought so, too.

Hallelujah: Jeff Buckley vs. Rufus Wainwright. Discuss.

I am really quite torn, though Rufus is my baby.

Everyone should download this so that I can download your files. KaZaalite no longer works due to the tyrannical bandwidth pirates at Miami, so I have had to resort elsewhere. And it sucks. Excuse me while I weep. If anyone knows of any other good programs, tell me. I chose Ares because it doesn't have spyware... but it also doesn't have many users.

Hot damn. I am consuming a warm pretzel with nacho cheese.

I have nothing to say. Why am I updating?

I'm sure I had something to say last night. Or this morning. Just not now.

It smells like autumn outside. You know what I mean. That sweet decay scent, with the leaves all trodden underfoot and the trees aflame in red and gold. There are alot of maples on Miami's campus, so the colours here are just gorgeous.

I love it when Daylight Savings Time is over. Not only do I get another hour, I also wake up for school and the sun isn't hours from rising.

Well, at least not yet.

I wish I could go and stay with Mike tonight. But I just can't miss art history again.

Well, I could.

But I can't.

Do you think if I let him name his son Michael, he'll let me name the other one Isaac?

I didn't just type that, right?

astera at 11:22 a.m.

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