January 10, 2003

Where Boys Fear to Tread

I thought that I might dream about Mike, sautee-ing brussel sprouts and bacon without a shirt on. Instead, I am pretty sure that I dreamt about vampires.

But damn, the brussel sprouts were good.

So, not surprisingly, yesterday proved a failure at my driving test. I hit two cones a total of four times, thus taking thirty points away and not even allowing me to go for the road test. I had spent all my distraught energies on Wednesday evening's manueverability practise, so I wasn't much upset when I ended up failing. I didn't really expect to pass, it was more of a hope-for-divine-intervention sort of thing.

I can't go to work today, because there is no one to come and rescue me from Oxford. I can't go to my interview at the Texas Roadhouse today, for the same reason. I rescheduled it for Monday, much to the chagrin of John, the general manager. I hope he was just sort of rushed and grouchy yesterday, because he was certainly far from pleasant and accomadating on the phone, quite the opposite of service manager Missy whom I interviewed with on Wednesday.

I need this job, because at the rate I'm going with the current one, I'm not going to get a chance to quit. They're going to fire me.

Ugh. Must face the batallion tomorrow. Certainly that can be my last day???

I hate work. It complicates and miserates the world.

Is miserates a world? Well, it is now. I've created it. That makes me feel for some reason alot like you.

In geology today I could not keep my perverse mind from surfacing and writing naughty lyrics about Plate Tectonics. Something about lithospheres riding asthenospheres and the intricasies of subduction.

Go look the words up. You'll understand. All too well.

Mike bought me Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness since I've been raving about it for, o, three months or so. I love it even more than I thought I would. Walking through the snow between SPN 202 and ENG 248 listening to 'Cupid de Locke' was absolutely lovely.

I think I may make some microwaveable soup. The quest to avoid the dining halls at all costs continues.

astera at 11:27 a.m.

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